Sabre Sport Services

Sabre Sport Services have developed and deliver specialist workshops around CPD for coaches and employees

Some of these are trampoline specific, others will apply to any sports (denoted with a *). 

We are constantly developing and changing the courses we offer.

The workshops and conferences that Sabre Sport Services offer are listed below:

  • Communication Skills

    Communication is something we all take for granted, but is essential particularly in an environment as challenging as a sports session where safety, and development of potential depends upon accurate and extensive communication skills.

    This practical workshop will demonstrate and develop the communication skills needed for coaching and performance. This workshop will heighten your knowledge of your own communication skills, both verbal and non verbal and appreciation of the differing communication skills of others.

    What you can gain

    Learn and develop communication skills to become more successful, resourceful and  influential, including the importance of good questioning and listening skills and how to put what you've learnt into practice.


    By the end of the course delegates should be able to:

    • communicate more effectively
    • gain new information through effective questioning techniques
    • pick up on hidden messages
    • actively listen for feelings as well as meaning
    • use techniques to check and build the understanding of others
    • increase your confidence when communicating face-to-face

  • Coaching Individuals with Disabilities in a mainstream environment

  • Core Stability Training using Rebound Equipment

  • Stretching Methods using Rebound Equipment

  • Vision and Sighting in trampolining*

  • Orientation and Kinaesthasia

  • Performance Coaching for Beginners

  • The Science of Twisting - Harder Than It Has To Be? *

  • Double Mini Trampoline - Progressive Trampolining!*

Other topics are available,  please contact us with ideas and we can give you a workshop plan. 

To enquire about a course, please contact Sabre Sports